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I always liked music of Erykah Badu because of his combination of soul and funk. Because it connects so closely to each release, listening is a fun / exciting adventures that each CD makes the wait worth it. Ankh 2 is almost perfect set of music. Each piece fun to listen to, all text with a sense of humor intelligent woman Badu structured. The only thing missing here their usual sinister / evil-twin / Funk. There are no "booty" (Mama's Gun) and that is a shame. For a moment I thought,"Me Loving You" was leading in that direction, but alas, she cuts short and shouted: "... this is terrible!" For some of us would have been exactly the continuation of that which requires the CD to make it absolutely perfect. Without them, just damn near to perfection.
Note to Erykah, do not complain! There are many people are willing to do it later. Some of us like your bad side!
New Amerykah Part Two: Return of the Ankh Overview
2010 release, the fifth studio album from the R&B/Neo-Soul superstar. In contrast to New Amerykah Part One (4th World War), which was digitally produced and political in tone, New Amerykah Part Two: Return of the Ankh features lush live instrumentation and taps into Badu's emotional side by thematically focusing on romance and relationships. "We used a lot of analog instruments...harps, strings, drums, piano, and even a Theremin, to give the album that sonic feel," says Badu. "There's a strong undercurrent of bottom, a rumbling to these songs that feels good to me. It feels like a hug."
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